On Friday, a significant meeting took place at the New TLC Building on the BHU campus to enhance security. This meeting was led by Deputy Inspector General of Police S. Channappa and included members of the BHU Proctorial Board who discussed and made important decisions.

During the meeting, they decided that BHU security personnel and police would work together to patrol important areas like gates, intersections, and crossroads on campus. This cooperation aims to make the campus more secure. They also reviewed the security duty schedule for BHU and IIT BHU, making adjustments for night shifts as needed.

To increase security further, they established three additional night patrol teams with three personnel from BHU and four from IIT BHU. These teams maintain a detailed record and regularly check different spots on campus every two hours.

The police took proactive steps by deploying PRV and QRT teams in and around the BHU IIT campus, covering an area within a one and a half-kilometer radius. They began a survey to identify locations where security cameras are needed within the institute. They plan to finalize proposals for these installations within the next 72 hours for a swift deployment.

In an effort to improve safety, they started installing lights in dark areas around Semi-Circle 6, including the Agricultural Road from the helipad and nearby regions. This work is expected to be finished within the next three days. They will also record vehicle numbers entering the BHU campus from 10 pm to 5 am, conducting inspections when necessary.

The institute, BHU Proctorial Board, and the police are working together to handle student complaints. They will also offer legal guidance to students when needed, and they are forming a committee to address complaints within three days.

They are setting up a dedicated police booth on the IIT BHU campus, where female police personnel will be stationed. They will prominently display various phone numbers throughout the institute, including those for BHU's control room, IIT BHU's control room, and the police.

Key figures present at this meeting included Police Commissioner of Kashi Zone R.S. Gautam, Assistant Police Commissioner of Bhelupur Praveen Kumar Singh, Chief Security Officer of IIT BHU Professor Sunil Mohan, and Chief Security Officer of BHU Professor Shiv Prakash.

Rishika Kukrety

Rishika Kukrety

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